Voluntary Hazard Report Form


    The contents of this report including your identity will be treated in strict confidentiality. We recommend that you provide the details related to your identity so that we may contact you for further information and provide you with feedback. Nonetheless, it is completely optional to fill out the fields listed below while keeping in mind that the information contained in this report will not be used to assign blame, except in cases of gross negligence and wilful misconduct.

    Voluntary hazard reporting is an essential part of the Hazard Identification process and an important contributor to overall monitoring and prevention of accidents and incidents in BBA’s SMS. The voluntary hazard reporting system is complementary to the normal day-to-day procedures and control systems and is not intended to duplicate or supersede them. At BBA, voluntary hazard reporting should not be done because it’s an order but should be done because it’s the only way we can improve aviation safety in operations.

    BBA employees are requested to report hazards or safety concerns as they become aware of them. The ongoing hazard reporting system is non-punitive, confidential, simple, direct and convenient. Once hazards are reported they will be acknowledged, investigated with recommendations and actions will follow addressing the safety issues.

    While BBA encourages employees to report hazards, they should also be made aware of the Just Culture that BBA employs to differentiate between Errors and Violations. The difference between errors and violations lies in intent. While an error is unintentional, a violation is a deliberate act or omission to deviate from established procedures, protocols, norms or practices.

    When considering a workplace behaviour, whether it is an error or a violation, BBA shall look at the underlying cause/why they did it, before deciding on a just consequence. Error and routine violations would usually require coaching. Situational and organizational optimization violations will require coaching and disciplinary action whilst reckless personal violations will involve a formal disciplinary action.